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Monokultur » Den frafaldne menneskerettigheds forkæmper

Den frafaldne menneskerettigheds forkæmper

Diverse — Drokles on March 3, 2011 at 5:52 pm

Praktisk taget sakset fra Elder Of Zion. Stifteren af menneskerettighedsorganisationen Human Rights Watch (HRW) Robert L Bernstein har stiftet en ny menneskerettighedsorganisation Advanced Human Rights (AHR).

AHR will return to the fundamentals of human rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. and Straight Talk on Human Rights, a new platform for common sense analysis, will form the initial programs of AHR.

“We will focus on women’s rights and free speech,” Bernstein noted.  ”These two rights—the spearhead of most totalitarian repression—are so important because where they are absent, achieving the other very important human rights is practically impossible.  We will, of course, go into closed societies.”

“Now that these closed societies are exploding,” he continued, “they will need every ounce of the human rights community’s attention so that we don’t have another Iran.”

Og som en smækken med døren overfor hans tidligere organisation udtaler Bernstein videre.

Some human rights organizations, like Human Rights Watch, do not condemn incitement to genocide, Arab hate speech being spewed daily in Gaza, particularly, and Saudi textbooks being taught to young children calling Jews “monkeys and pigs.” Hate speech is the precursor to genocide. I understand giving hate speech a lot of latitude in an open society where it is sure to be criticized - but in a closed society it goes unanswered and encouraged by the government, governments that control all the media.

If I’ve misinterpreted the positions of these human rights organizations, I’m happy to be corrected.

Human Rights Watch believes it is its job to protect civilians on both sides in a war. This is where we really disagree. In the Israel-Palestine conflict they cannot protect either side for reasons Colonel Kemp will address. Worse, their methodology which is to analyze a war after it is over is flawed and in my view its staff has little knowledge of the realities of asymmetric war and makes accusations of war crimes where others would understand the sad collateral damage of war. In the Israel-Palestine war, it seems to me, the Israelis are usually the party accused. Hamas, I believe, is fighting a war of attrition, and doesn’t subscribe to the Geneva conventions etc. I will leave the rest to Colonel Kemp.

The other reasons why a new organization is desirable will be spelled out in the near future when we will issue what I would call a “white paper” outlining them. We will then move on in our own way, leaving open societies to fend for themselves most of the time. When we are critical, we will note that while open societies must maintain the highest standards, even when they slip, they start from a much higher standard. In judging open societies you can be sure there will be more than one judge.

Held og lykke med det projekt.

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