Things have changed, circumstances… force majeure, acts of… Allah?
Alle kan lave fejl og det sker at politibetjente kommer til at skyde de forkerte. Statistikkerne støtter ikke Black Lives Matters påstande om en særlig racefordeling, sorte er bare særligt kriminelle og som sådan i den gruppe man udviser større agtpågivenhed for. Unge er mere kriminelle end gamle. Mænd er mere kriminelle end kvinder. Hvide kvinder er meget lidt kriminelle, så de bliver sjældent skudt ned af politiet. Især ikke, hvis de står i en pyjamas.
En australsk kvinde i sin bedste alder, ringer til politiet, fordi hun mener at høre råb på hjælp. Som hun står udenfor sit hjem i Minneapolis, ankommer politiet og skyder hende. Jack Dunphy er tidligere betjent fra Los Angeles, han forklarer det bedre i Pajamas Media, men historien forbliver bizar (min fremhævning)
“I’m not sure if she’s having sex or being raped,” Damond told the 911 operator. “I think she just yelled out ‘help,’ but it’s difficult the sound has been going on for a while, but I think, I don’t think she’s enjoying it.”
As the officers reached the south end of the alley, presumably after finding no sign of trouble, they heard a loud noise as Damond approach their car on the driver’s side. Noor fired his pistol across the car and in front of Harrity, striking Damond through the open window. She died at the scene.
The likely explanation Noor will offer is that, upon hearing the noise and seeing Damond, perhaps mistaking her cellphone for a weapon (the phone was found near her), he believed she presented a deadly threat and fired. But remember, under the rules established by the U.S. Supreme Court in Graham v. Connor, an officer may use force only when it is reasonably necessary to defend himself or another from death or serious injury. And, said the court, a use of force must be judged “from the perspective of a reasonable officer on the scene, rather than with the 20/20 vision of hindsight.” If an officer fires at someone whom he reasonably believes is a threat, even if that belief proves to be mistaken, the shooting will be deemed lawful.
And now the question: Would a reasonable officer have acted as Noor did? This is not merely a theoretical question, for as it happened there was an officer (whom we may presume to be reasonable) seated right next to Noor. Officer Harrity, who was in a position to see and hear the same things Noor did, did not fire his weapon. I would argue that no reasonable officer would have.
“Noor is headed to prison, and deserves it” konkluderer Dunphy rimeligt nok på baggrund af hvad vi ved. Vi finder det ikke så interessant med bizarre historier for deres egen bizarheds skyld på Monokultur, og vi vil ikke svælge i at Noor var neger og pointer løsrevet et statistisk materiale. Men Noor var også fra Somalia, som 100.000 andre nytilflyttede, og Ann Coulter fik en email fra en muslimsk bekendt, som mente at have noget inside viden om den muslimske psyke, som Noor var rundet af
You cannot place these people in a position of authority (for example with a gun in their hands). They will always shoot as a default reaction to anything that is instant. Neither training nor thinking can change their natures.
And that is why he shot. He had a gun.
Og som Ann Coulter ligeledes pointerer på Breitbart, så er Minnesota, hvor Minneapolis er hovedstaden, i høj grad efterkommere af skandinavere. I så høj grad at en mor ikke kunne forhindre sin ikke myndige datter i at få en kønsskifteoperation - Darn tootin’, yah. Så det er et lille socialt eksperiment om os selv i et amerikansk laboratorium
Noor’s African-American neighbor, Chris Miller, said he was shocked when he heard about Damond’s shooting — until he found out it was Noor. Miller told The Daily Telegraph (Australia) that his Somali neighbor was quick to anger and was always going off on women and children. “He is extremely nervous,” Miller said, “a little jumpy … he doesn’t really respect women, the least thing you say to him can set him off.”
Sounds perfect for a police officer!
May we see Officer Noor’s cadet exam? His training reports? Does anyone believe there is the slightest possibility that Noor was not rushed through the Police Academy so that the nice people of Minneapolis could feel good about themselves for having a real Somali on the police force?
Minnesota’s importation of these stone-age people is a completely self-inflicted wound. It’s as if the state decided to inject itself with Hepatitis C. Hey, you know what? We’re too white and pure. Everyone tie a vein off and give yourself a shot of hep C. We could learn from that!
With Somalis, you get all the social pathologies of Muslims and the American underclass rolled into one package. There’s the terrorism and pederasty — but also the criminality and joblessness!
For et par år siden talte Ami Horowitz med somaliere i Minniapolis
Der er “absolutely no benefit to the more than 100,000 Somalis brought in by Minnesota, except to feed the Scandinavian ethnomasochism” konkluderer Coulter nøgternt.