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Måske er det racisme, der ligger bag modstanden mod Trumps mur? For udover et iboende had mod orangefarvede mennesker synes der ikke at være et eneste argument imod at bygge den mur mod Mexico, der selvfølgelig vil være i stand til at stoppe den afsindige og illegale trafik over grænsen.
Mexico har ikke, som flere mem på de sociale medier påstår, en mur mod Guatemala. De har på nogle strækninger sikkerhedshegn, men ellers forlader de sig lystigt på tortur, som Guardian skrev om sidste år
A scathing UN report has sharply rebuked Mexico for its widespread problem with torture, which it said implicates all levels of the security apparatus in the context of the government’s efforts to combat crime.
“Torture and ill treatment during detention are generalized in Mexico, and occur in a context of impunity,” the UN special rapporteur on torture, Juan Méndez, wrote in the report he presented on Monday before the Human Rights Commission in Geneva.
The report was based on a fact-finding mission Méndez made to Mexico last spring, and says methods used include beatings, electric shocks, suffocation, waterboarding, forced nudity and rape, as well as threats and insults.
Méndez’s report links torture in Mexico to government efforts to combat the country’s drug cartels, saying the majority of cases he studied involved victims detained for alleged links with organized crime. He also implicates local, state and federal police in the practice, as well as the armed forces.
For Mexico er der altså en tydelig sammenhæng mellem åbne grænser, illegal indvandring og kriminalitet, organiseret som uorganiseret. Og det er en sammenhæng der gennemsyrer det mexicanske samfund, fra bunden til toppen skriver Breitbart
U.S. news outlets appear to have forgotten that the Juarez Cartel and multiple acts of corruption have been linked to the election of the current Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto. The Mexican president’s ties to cartels, the mysterious release from prison of major cartel figures during his presidency, and the fact that regions of Mexico are under operational control of these paramilitary transnational criminal organizations during his presidency are rarely, if ever, reported in the U.S. The outrageous number of journalists who have been murdered or who have simply disappeared in Peña Nieto’s Mexico is also rarely reported.
Last year, Breitbart Texas reported on an investigation that revealed that a series of shell companies had been used by members of the Juarez cartel to funnel funds into Peña Nieto’s 2012 election. The investigation was carried out by Mexican award winning journalist Carmen Aristegui and her team; the subsequent scandal became known as Monexgate for the cash cards that were given out during Peña Nieto’s campaign. Those journalists have been under criticism by the Mexican government after discovering the cartel finance link, as well as the fact that Peña Nieto had received properties as bribes from government contractors.
Den mexicanske økonomi får tilført mellem 20 og 30 mia dollars via narkokartellernes eksport af narkotika til USA. Nogenlund det samme beløb som lavtlønnede mexicanske arbejdere i USA sender hjem til familierne i deres dysfunktionelle hjemland, nemlig 24,4 mia dollars. Mexicos trediestørste eksportvare efter narko og billig arbejdskraft er olie, med en årlig indtjening på 23,3 mia dollars.
Forholdet mellem USA og Mexico er en dårlig gænge. De forkerte interesser beriger hinanden på de to landes bekostning. Men hvor USA vil forlade misbruget og være great again, er Mexico fanget i afhængighed.
Mexico is on the Verge of a Civil War! Police RUN from Rioters! Mexico city police flee for their lives after violent protesters overrun their blockades. Mexicans are outrage over gas prices, the border wall, and the liberal media fueling protests against the sitting president after he had a conversation with Donald Trump over the phone. This is Mexicans response to that conversation.
Mexico må igennem en kold tyrker.