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Monokultur » Transform governance and institutions at all levels

Transform governance and institutions at all levels

Akademia, Globalisering, Godheds-industrien, Klima, Politik, miljø, venstrefløjen — Drokles on April 4, 2013 at 10:46 am

Mere fra den akademiske verden. Guardian skriver om Prof David Griggs, der bestyrer det australske Monash Sustainability Institute, der har hostet seks målsætninger op, som politikerne, altså verdenslederne, skal forfølge, for at forhindre alskens ulykker

“Humans are transforming the planet in ways that could undermine any development gains. Mounting research shows that the stable functioning of Earth systems – including the atmosphere, oceans, forests, waterways, biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles – is a prerequisite for a thriving global society,” he writes, with colleagues.

Instead, the authors say that the old goals should be combined with global environmental targets drawn from science and from existing international agreements to create new “sustainable development goals” (SDGs).

(ævle-bævle og skræmmebilleder)

“None of this is possible without changes to the economic playing field. National policies should, like carbon pricing, place a value on natural capital and a cost on unsustainable actions. International governance of the global commons should be strengthened, for example through binding agreements on climate change, by halting the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services and by addressing other sustainability concerns,” says the article in Nature.

(ævle-bævle og feelgoodery)Goal six: Governance for sustainable societies.

Transform governance and institutions at all levels to address the other five sustainable development goals. This would build on MDG partnerships and incorporate environmental and social targets into global trade, investment and finance. Subsidies on fossil fuels and policies that support unsustainable agricultural and fisheries practices should be eliminated by 2020.


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