Presset øges på Panchauri
FNs Klimapanels (IPCC) formand Rajendra Panchauris renome er faldet drastisk, som følge af det øgede fokus på hans egen inkompetence og hans organisations politiske virke. Og nu skaller hans stovteste støtter for alvor af. BBC
Fred Pearce, veteran environment author for New Scientist: “I do not normally favour calling for people to resign. But in this case it is obvious that the IAC intends Pachauri to go, even though it’s not explicit. So it may not be entirely fair, but for the sake of the IPCC it would be better if he resigns.”
Geoffrey Lean, the long-serving environment correspondent, now on the Daily Telegraph: “The time passed some while ago in which Pauchari ceased to be an asset to the IPCC and became a liability.”
The UK director of Greenpeace John Sauven told The Times in February: “The IPCC needs to regain credibility. Is that going to happen with Pachauri [as chairman]? I don’t think so. We need someone held in high regard who has extremely good judgment and is seen by the global public as someone on their side.”
Anledningen er en ikke helt uafhængig rapport, som bl.a. konstaterede at de fejl, som IPCC havde begået var store, at IPCC ikke udviste nogen som helst vilje til at rette dem selv efter at de var blevet påpeget og at alle fejl IPCC begik havde politisk slagside.
Som man måske fornemmer af citaterne ovenfor handler kritikken af Panchauri mere om det rent PR mæssige end indholdet i hans arbejde og IPCCs struktur (for slet ikke at tale om formålet). En god sag skal ikke køres af sporet. Mest vulgært udtrykt af en, der åbenbart vil være loyal til det sidste
Of all the commentators contacted by BBC News only former government adviser Tom Burke insisted that Dr Pachauri should serve out his full term. “It’s important not to give a trophy to sceptics,” he said. “Pachauri has not done a very good job and should not have been appointed for a second term,” he said. “But he’s here now and should finish the job (of AR5 - the IPCC’s next climate assessment).”
Det handler altså ikke så meget om videnskab, men om trodsigt at insistere fjenden ud af banen.
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