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OG hvor slemt står det til i England? Fra Daily Mail
A Muslim who advised the Government following the July 7 London bombings has been arrested after an alleged stabbing.
Inayat Bunglawala, 39, was held on suspicion of attacking another man at his £300,000 home.
Mr Bunglawala, who also briefed former Security Minister Tony McNulty on the threat posed by Islamic radicals in the UK, was arrested two weeks before Christmas last year.
(…)Mr Bunglawala is one of the most prominent members of the Muslim Council of Britain, an organisation which advises the Government on extremism and counter-terrorism.
After the July 7 London bombings in 2005, he was one of seven Muslims appointed to a Home Office taskforce tackling radicalisation in the UK.
Last week, Mr Bunglawala was featured on the BBC and in many newspapers as the moderate ‘voice’ of British Islam after the Luton anti-war demonstrations.
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I forbindelse med demonstrationen i Luton var det vist nok for de kære tålmodige briter. Deres vrede mod de protesterende islamister var berettiget og retfærdig. Briters venlighed har også en grænse og målet er åbenbart ved at være fuldt, undtagen hos en føjelig, eftergivende regering, der ikke tør sige fra. Bare sørgeligt at tingene skal spidse sig uheldsvangert til.
Ja den hæftede jeg mig også ved. Den markerer noget ganske afgørende.