Måske ser det lidt mere sort ud for Trump?
Mens medierne sviner Donald Trump, fortsætter han med at tale direkte til det amerikanske folk. National Review skriver
“I am asking for the vote of every African-American citizen struggling in our country today who wants a different future,” Trump said Tuesday night in a sobering policy address near Milwaukee. “The Democratic party has failed and betrayed the African-American community. Democratic crime policies, education policies, and economic policies have produced only more crime, more broken homes, and more poverty.”
Trump then hammered his opponent.
“Hillary Clinton–backed policies are responsible for the problems in the inner cities today, and a vote for her is a vote for another generation of poverty, high crime, and lost opportunities,” Trump declared. “We reject the bigotry of Hillary Clinton, which panders to and talks down to communities of color and sees them only as votes, not as individual human beings worthy of a better future. She doesn’t care at all about the hurting people of this country, or the suffering she has caused them.”
Trump noted who lords over most poor black neighborhoods.
“The Democratic party has run nearly every inner city in this country for 50 years, and run them into financial ruin,” Trump explained. “They’ve ruined the schools. They’ve driven out the jobs. They’ve tolerated a level of crime no American should consider acceptable.”
Obama Trump cited grim statistics on urban lawlessness: Violent crime up 17 percent in America’s 50 biggest cities in 2015. Homicides have climbed 50 percent in Washington, D.C., this year. In Baltimore, murders are up 60 percent.
Og han bliver hørt, Trumps upopularitet blandt sorte faldt så at hele 14,6% nu foretrækker ham, frem for Hillary. Det lyder ikke af meget, men det er en stigning fra en flukturation mellem 2,5% og 5,5%. Podcasteren Sonnie Johnson udtrykte det således ifølge Breitbart
Johnson said Trump’s speech targeted what “Democrats have done to the black community over the last sixty years,” and laid things out more plainly, and boldly, than previous Republicans have dared to attempt.
“To have it laid out, to have it addressed, to not have it skirted over, to not have it bathed in welfare talk, and poverty talk, but actually to have it, to inspire black people that America is your country, and you deserve to have the greatness and richness thereof in it – I was over the moon last night! Congratulations, Donald Trump! Thank you!” she declared.
SiriusXM host Matt Boyle pointed out that polls show Trump faring very poorly with black voters, but Johnson was confident his speech in Wisconsin would help him turn those numbers around, and even meet his goal of drawing a larger percentage of the black vote than previous GOP candidates.
“The emphasis is on the American people, and for once, you have a Republican candidate that went above and beyond to make sure that black people feel like they are included in that America,” she said. “You don’t have to convince black people that having money is better than being poor. You don’t have to convince them of that. All you have to do is inspire them, and they will do the rest.”
“And that is what Hillary needs to be scared to death of,” she continued. “You have a generation of young blacks that are inspired to take over the world, and now we have a Republican candidate that’s saying, not only will I be your voice, not only will I stand with you, but I will win. And that is something that the black community has not had, since they have let these progressives be in control of our cities. Just the thought of having a real fight in the inner cities of America, with a Republican candidate that gives a damn — Hillary Clinton better be shakin’ in her boots!”
“From the time of Abraham Lincoln to that of President Herbert Hoover the black vote was Republican” skriver Thomas Sowell i National Review. Selvom republikanerne ifølge Sowell næppe genvinder flertallet af sorte stemmer i løbet af det næste årti, så er det vigtigt at erodere demokraternes monopol over den vælgergruppe. Ikke blot på grund af de ekstra sorte stemmer, men fordi flere hvide måske vil stoppe med at anse Repubkanerne som racistisk. Lov og orden er et generelt ønske i befolkningen på tværs af demografien og uddannelse er et “slam-dunk issue for Republicans trying to appeal to black parents with school-age children, as distinguished from trying to appeal to all black voters, as if all blacks are the same”.
Someone on CNN said that if Trump were serious about wanting the black vote, he would address groups like the NAACP. That was in fact a big mistake that even President Reagan made.
Blacks voters are not the property of the NAACP, and they need to be addressed directly as individuals, over the heads of special-interest organizations that have led blacks into the blind alley of being a voting bloc that has been taken for granted far too long.
Et illustrativt eksempel hvor indgroet venstrefløjens tænkning med at adressere minoriter igennem udemokratiske interesse og pressionsgrupper. Skriv det bag øret Dyhr, når du vil give definitionsretten over muslimerne som gruppe til imamerne (Vi på Monokultur, vil have muslimerne til at rejse hjem, men hvis man endelig skal tage minoriteter alvorlig, kan det kun ske som individder). Sheriff David Clarke beskrev rammeforholdene for urolighederne i Milwaukee og hvor vigtigt lov og orden er, ikke mindst for de mest udsatte grupper i befolkningen
Clarke said, “Well, first of all, the social order in Milwaukee totally collapsed on Saturday night. When the social order collapses, tribal behavior takes over. When tribal behavior takes over, the law of the jungle replaces the rule of law and that’s why you end up with what you saw. Last night was a little better. Not good enough for me. I won’t be satisfied until these creeps crawl back into their holes so the good law abiding people who live in the Milwaukee ghettos can return to at least a calm quality of life.”
National Reviews Deroy Murdock er enig med Sowell, at vinde sorte stemmer er muligt og det afmonterer myten om at Republikanerne er racistisk
Trump should take this message to black churches, civic groups, and business associations and respectfully ask black Americans for their votes. All else being equal, if he convinces 15 percent of them, this election becomes a squeaker. If he scores 20 percent of black ballots, Trump trumps Clinton.
Nervous whites who see Trump meet black voters would find such images a comforting contrast to charges that Trump is a racist. Some will be sufficiently reassured and support him.
And Trump’s unyielding conservative critics — including Hillary Clinton’s enablers in the Never Trump crowd — might reevaluate a GOP nominee who finally expressed some “very difficult truths,” in Trump’s words, that other Republican standard bearers understood but were not brave enough to utter.
Trump er folkelig og med det hører også det vulgære. Om han er den rette mand på posten som præsident er svært at sige, men alternativet er bare garanteret værre. Demokraterne har, som venstrefløjen herhjemme, svigtet underklassen til fordel for fashionabel identitetspolitik. Man må håbe at tilstrækkeligt mange sorte smider de mentale lænker og stopper med at identificere sig som demokrater - og på sigt også med deres hudfarve.
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