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Monokultur » The Establishment strikes back

The Establishment strikes back

Der synes at være et skred i vesterlændingenes erkendelse, som Kim Møller beskriver på Uriasposten

Norbert Hofer fra Haiders frihedsparti var blot 31.000 stemmer fra at blive præsident i Østrig, og med Marine Le Pen i Frankrig og et muligt Brexit i England er nationalstaterne så småt ved at vågne. En meningsmåling giver sågar Donald Trump en svag føring over Hillary Clinton, og man kan roligt sige at status quo har rykket sig til højre for midten. Måske er der noget apolitisk politikerlede over det, i lighed med Pegida-bevægelsen, men kræsenhed er en luksus vi ikke har råd til at have. Den stemning, følelse eller populisme der kan mindske skaderne ved masseindvandringen er den rette. Uden forbehold.

Herhjemme er Nye borgerlige det bedste bud på et paradigmeskifte, for selvom Martin Henriksen på sin vis er skarp nok, så har partiet valgt ikke at satse med ultimatummer, der i værste fald, kunne sætte partiet femten år tilbage. Et DF der ikke er medansvarlig for masseindvandringen, er desværre også et DF helt uden indflydelse. Problemet er ikke bare, at et ultimatum risikerer at gøre Mette Frederiksen til statsminister, men at Thulesen-Dahl hermed også gør sig selv til statsministerkandidat for en mulig mindretalsregering uden mandater til at vedtage andet end velkomstflyers på arabisk.

Men det etablerede giver sig ikke uden kamp. For den er magten blevet sit eget indhold og den den ser ud til at ville ofre alt, selv befolkningen, for en forlængelse. “The President of the unelected executive arm of the European Union (EU) has vowed to block all right wing populists from power across the continent, shortly after acquiring the power to exert “far-reaching sanctions” on elected governments.” hedder det på Breitbart

Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the European Commission, promised to exclude Norbert Hofer, the leader of Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), from all EU decision-making if elected ahead of yesterday’s presidential vote.

“There will be no debate or dialogue with the far-right,” the liberal bureaucrat told AFP.

The FPÖ has been Austria’s top-polling political force for some time. However, after leading the pack for most of the presidential race, the right-wing candidate lost out by 0.6 per cent to the Green party, after the inclusion of postal votes, and months of Europe’s mainstream media calling the centre-right populist “far right”.

Right wing populists are periodically topping the polls across the continent – in France,SwedenHolland, and now Austria – and anti-migrant populists are already in power inHungaryPoland, and the Czech Republic.

Mr. Junker’s definition of “far right” is somewhat broad, noted by him previouslydescribing Hungary’s conservative president, Viktor Orbán, as a “fascist.”

With the continent-wide democratic surge to the right, the anti-democratic Commission could be in for a challenge in their attempt to exclude each and every elected government they deem to be “far right.”

However, as of 2014, the Commission was handed a batch of new powers that it could plausibly use to do just this – powers already being mobilised against Poland’s elected, conservative leaders.

The Commission can now trigger a “rule of law mechanism” (Article 7 TEU) againstnations it perceives as deviating from “the common constitutional traditions of all Member States.” Ultimately, “far-reaching sanctions” can be exerted, and a country can be stripped of all voting rights in the EU and have funding blocked.

Og for at puste til min egen snigende paranoia, så kan det se ud til at man undgik at gøre brug af “Article 7 TEU” ved at håndtere problemet på et nationalt niveau

The election victory of Alexander Van der Bellen, former head of the Austrian Green party, against Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ) candidate Norbert Hofer, saw one of the tightest results in Austrian electoral history.

The former Green leader won the vote by a mere 0.6 per cent after postal ballots had been counted. Some are sceptical of the results and one case in particular has given pause.

The town of Waidhofen an der Ybbs has, on the Austrian Interior Ministry website, a stunning result: 146.9 per cent of the town voted, Stern reports.

According to the Interior Ministry website a total of 13,262 people had voted with 12,559 of the votes cast being regarded as valid which is still estimated to be more people than actually reside in the town.

The Interior Ministry came out and claimed that the entire result was simply a technical glitch and Robert Stein, chairman of the Electoral Department of the Interior, said the problem was an input error on behalf of one of their staff.

Man tror efterhånden det værste, men muligvis var det blot en fejl med alle de stemmer. I USA møder mange døde mennesker op for at give deres stemme

See, for example, this story out of Florida. Or this story out of North Carolina. Or this story, wherein a convicted fraudulent voter and poll worker in Ohio was cheered at a Democrat-sponsored anti-ID rally in Ohio. Or these instances of elected Democrats being charged and convicted of illegal voting. While you’re at it, don’t forget about Rhode Island’s voter ID law, passed by a Democratic legislature and co-sponsored by black Democrats who stated that they’d personally witnessed fraud. The anti-voter ID crowd must be forced to explain just how much fraud they’re willing to accept.  Double voting, non-citizens voting, dead people voting, etc.  I’ll leave you with a friendly reminder that there is an overwhelming bipartisan consensus in support of these common sense laws.

Men man behøver nu ikke vække de døde, hvis man kan importere en zombiehær, til at udslette de sidste rester af folkets vilje, hvis det står til Hillary Clinton, der ser ud til at ville ophæve grænsen til Mexico, skriver Breitbart

“I would not deport children. I do not want to deport family members either,” Clintondeclared in March. Clinton’s pledge not to enforce U.S. immigration law as President represents an essentially unprecedented departure from the nation’s history of enforcing immigration law.

The Center for Immigration Studies’ Mark Krikorian described Clinton’s pledge as “a breathtaking step toward open borders.”

As the Washington Post reported: “Clinton’s pledge not to deport any illegal immigrants except violent criminals and terrorists represents a major break from President Obama, and it could vastly increase the number of people who would be allowed to stay in the country.”

Clinton’s vision erases entirely the protections that U.S. immigration laws are supposed to afford American citizens: such as protecting Americans from losing a job to an illegal immigrant, preventing the sapping of school and hospital resources, as well as defending the voting privileges and enfranchisement of U.S. citizens (giving citizenship to illegal immigrants allows them to cancel out the votes of native-born American citizens).

The implication of Clinton’s platform– i.e. that illegal entry is not in and of itself a deportable offense–represents a central pillar of the open borders credo: namely, that millions of people can illegally come to the country, take jobs, attend U.S. schools, receive affirmative action, apply for federal benefits, and give birth to children who receive birthright citizenship.

Moreover, waiting until after a violent conviction has been obtained to deport an illegal alien means that immigration laws were enforced far too late–i.e. they were not enforced until after an American was victimized, raped, or murdered by a criminal alien. A federal policy that waits to enforce immigration laws until after there is a criminal conviction would mean admitting and releasing criminals by the hundreds of thousands, and letting them roam free until after they have committed a crime, and have been apprehended, tried, and convicted for that crime.

Samme vision om international socialisme har Københavns Sundheds- og Omsorgsborgmester Ninna Thomsen, der vil give asylansøgere stemmeret til kommunalvalg. Begrundelsen er følgende

- København er en international storby, hvor der er mange, som kommer til. Det er både internationale studerende og folk, som i kortere eller længere perioder skal arbejde her. Og så er vi begyndt at modtage flygtninge igen.

- Nu er det på tide at sige, at de mennesker, som bor i byen, skal have indflydelse på Københavns udvikling fra dag ét, siger hun.

Uh, en dejlig leg med begreber, som venstrefløjen kitter deres logik op på. Man kan sagtens beskrive København som en international storby ud fra en eller anden betragtning om dens forbindelser til omverdenen og den kuturelle, videnskabelig, kulturelle osv output. Det er beskrivelser, men faktuelt er København en dansk by. Faktisk er København nationens hovedstad.

PS: Det tidligere medlem af det etablerede Helle Thornings tidligere rådgiver Noa Reddington foreslår i Politiken i samme angst for folket at spærregrænsen hæves fra 2 til 4 procent så man undgår at skulle forholde sig til “Nye Borgerliges balstyriske formand” Pernille Vermund og Dansk Samlings ’sammenbidte og svedende’ formand Morten Urhskov Jensen.

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